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Aristo Grand Prix, Kemer, Antalia

1. Name of the Competition is European Aristokrat Grandprix Tournament.
2. Playing Venue: Simena Park Hotel Likya Room - 1
3. FIDE Laws of Chess is valid in this tournaments. The Laws of Chess in English, Turkish and Russian may be found on arbiters table to read.
4. Tournament is 9 rounds Swiss System. According to FIDE Swiss Rules based on rating. Pairings will be made by Swiss Perfect 98 via computer. No claims against pairing is accepted axcept if there is any human misstake entering the data to computer. Pairs for the 1st round will be announced at 14:00 on 22nd February. Announcement for the next rounds will be about one hour after finish of the previous round.
5. Playing Schedule: Technical Meeting is on 11:30 (am) on 22nd February in Likya Room. Every round starts at 16.00 hrs except the last round at 10:00 on 2nd March. Prize Ceremony is at 16:00 hrs on 2nd March.
6. Rate of play will be 90 minutes for all moves + 30 secs for each move and during the tournament all digital chess clocks will be used.
7. Players are obliged to write each move all the time on score sheet.
8. No claims according to FIDE rule 10.2.
Money Prize for General Standing:
1st:    		 2.000 Euro	2nd 		 1.500 Euro	
3rd	   	   800 Euro	4th 		   400 Euro
5th-6th	 400 Euro (2x200)	7th-11th	500 (5x100) Euro
Money Special Prizes:
1st Women				80 Euro
1st Junior (Under 18)		80 Euro
1st Girl (Under 18)		80 Euro
1st Veteran (Over 50)		80 Euro
1st Antalya Player			80 Euro
Total: 6.000 Euro
Money prizes will be shared equally for tied rankings. In case a player has a right to 2 or more money prizes the higher one will be given to person.
Cup and Medals will be awared to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the general standing. For cups and final standing following tie-break procedures will be used respectively:
1st Median-Buchholz,
2nd Buccholz,
3rd Number of wins
4th Progresive score
10. European Chess Union will announce the total grandprix tournaments and the total prize fund. According to Grandprix Regulations a player must participate in 5 tournaments to have the right in the total prize fund.
11. The tournament is valid for FIDE and Turkish Ratings and International FIDE title norms.
12. Arbiters: Chief Arbiter Rumen Angelov, Deputy Chief Arbiters: Muslum ERSOY, Selcuk BUYUKVURAL. Decisions of the chief arbiter is final but players can make claim to Appeal Committee not later than 30 minutes of the decision in written form and by a deposit fee of 30 Euros.
13. Appeal Committee is going to be elected in the technical meeting.
14. In all electronic boards please do not touch the pieces before start of games. When game finish please call arbiter to adjust pieces for terminating of the game and do not play with pieces for analyse aims.
15. After finishing game no analyse on playing hall.
16. All mobile phones must be switch off mode in playing hall. Not in the silent mode please keep them on switch off.
17. Smoking is absolutely forbidden in playing hall.
18. According to the FIDE Rules all players who finishes their games must leave the playing area.
19. All players are informed by this regulations the during technical meeting and every player starts to tournament accepts these rules.

Tournament Director			Chief Arbiter
Ali Nihat YAZICI (IA)			Rumen ANGELOV (IA)
President of TCF